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To help your organization truly harness the power of research and evaluation, we’ve developed a series of innovative and interactive workshops designed to build and strengthen internal capacity to incorporate evaluative thinking and practice into daily activities. Below is a sample of our workshops. If these do not meet your needs, we’d be happy to co-develop and facilitate a unique workshop.

Business Meeting


An Introduction to Data-Driven Evaluation: The Role of Evaluation in Impacting Communities.  


All About Data Series

  • Part I: What is data? Where can I find it? How can we use it?

  • Part 2: Measurement Tool Development and Implementation

  • Part 3: Data-Driven Strategic Planning

Fake News: Being Critical Consumers of Research

Leveraging Your Network: Asset Mapping, Needs Assessments, and Network Analysis


Logic Model and Theory of Change Development


Multi-Sector Partnerships and Coalitions: How to Maximize Collective Impact 


Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research and Program Evaluation


Want to chat more about how we can support your organization? Fill out this form and we will reach out to schedule a free consult within 1 business day.


If forms aren't your thing, you can always send us an email at

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